Monday, March 9, 2009

Whine Alert #1

Okay, this is just a quick post to whine for a moment. Feel free to quit reading right now, I will understand. I hate whining - especially mine. It really gets on my nerves. But our last 24 hours would almost be funny, if it weren't for this cancer thing. But I need to vent...

Since I last posted here is was has been happening:

1. Steve takes van to get gas and is sideswiped by an SUV that never knows he hit us and drives away. Steve gets all the info, but now how to proceed - calling USAA today. Major dings and scratches, that's all.

2. Battery dies on same vehicle - yes, Steve did leave the keys in it, but sheesh...could it not hold a charge??? And our jumper cables are missing!

3. Washing machine decided that, for political reasons, it will no longer spin during the spin cycle. I guess the washer is having a Bill O'Reilly moment.

Okay - I have had it. Can't we just have the cancer please? Who thought I would ever say that? There is $$ in the bank to cover any and all of the expenses that will occur from the above mentioned. But it just seems like all this little stuff - and that what it is - little stuff, is beating us down.

This is going to be an exhausting week - trying to be at Dr.'s appointment, be home or elsewhere to get repairs done, tie up all those loose ends I mentioned in the last post AND try and make this week of Spring Break somewhat normal for the kids (squeezing in trips to SeaWorld & Six Flags).

Okay enough whining...

I now return you to your regular programing.

Peace to all who read...


  1. delivers cheese ... (to go with the wine). But, no. Really ... you are 4 days into a diagnosis and stuff seems to be exploding around you? Whine away. Because no one wants to be bothered by annoyances when what you want to do is handle the big stuff! Yikes!

  2. Lonnie, I'm speechless - and heartbroken as I'm sure you guys are. But, yes, we have an awesome God. Please, please know you are all in our prayers for an awesome recovery. We love you and miss you guys in Alabama -- Anita

  3. Whine away! I would. All three of those annoyances are whine worthy even without a medical crisis. And then laugh about it because really, it is just normal life stuff coming in threes like Murphy's law says.

    I read the profile. Glad you have a plan. For people like you and me, it helps. We need to KNOW THE PLAN!!! Amen?

    Still praying hard, hard, hard for good, dark results on Wednesday. Then for sucessful surgery on Friday, with some good drugs thrown in. :>) And, for normalcy for the kiddos.

    Lastly, Steve is and will always be Steve. An awesome dad, husband, and God-lovin' man. Nothing can ever change that.

    Hugs for all!
