Tuesday, March 3, 2009

God makes me laugh...sometimes.

The visit with the doc went just as planned. Needle biopsy on Wednesday, shouldn't take long, hopefully we will have results by the following Tuesday. When the doc looked at Steve's CT scan he said that if had no history on Steve what so ever and was looking at the scans "cold" he would have diagnoise pneumonia - without question. That makes me feel better. Every opinion says that they really don't think it is cancer, but it is not normal. But unfortunately that is what they are always looking for. Doesn't make the waiting any easier.

So, why does God make me laugh sometimes? Well, actually he makes me laugh...a lot...at myself. But right now, I am not finding a whole to laugh about. What was different today? Well, with all this going on, I completely lost track of time. I am doing Beth Moore's Scripture memory challenge this year (you memorize a new verse every 2 weeks - the 1st and 15th of every month). Well, the 1st came and went. As did the 2nd! She tells you to find a verse that really speaks to you, to where you are or what you are going through. So this morning I got on line with Biblegateway.com to look up scripture with the word fear in it. I had an idea of a scripture (something about God not giving us a spirit of fear...) but I could not find what I was looking for. So, I grab a set of cards that a dear friend mailed me a few months back (little plastic holder with verses & topics on them. So, I thought, "Just grab and start looking, surely you will find something to memorize." I didn't care at this point what it was. Just wanted to keep up my end of the challenge. Not the right attitude, but it was all I had this morning. Well the card on top was my verse from the last 2 weeks (Jeremiah 29:11). The next card I grabbed was my verse from 6 weeks ago (Romans 14:19). Then it happened. I cried and I laughed. Then I cried a lot more. The next card I grabbed out of desperation read this: Psalm 34:4 "I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears." God Wins!!! Again and always. 'Nuf said.

Peace to all who read...


  1. Well, isn't He awesome! Yup ... as soon as I look for Him, I find Him.

  2. Lonnie, I know we're not close family but we are family. Please know that I love you and Steve and you guys are in my prayers. I'm thankful for your blog and updates.
