Monday, March 23, 2009

Finally! A few minutes to myself...

The kids are in school, my mother-in-law is getting herself ready for the day and Steve is sleeping in - as he should be. And all is right with the world. Okay - all is always right in God's world, I can just see it through his eyes today.

Steve is doing wonderful! If you did not know him and what he had been through for the last 2 weeks, you would have no idea that he had a cancer diagnosis and major surgery. But walk around with him for a few minutes and you will see this physically fit guy get winded going up stairs or just walking around. We both know that this will pass, but it hard to see him struggle with the simplest of destinations. As you may have read, in my previous post, we got the best news we could have ever been given! He may, in fact, now be a cancer survivor at this point! They got it all, it did not include the lymph nodes and it was found at an earlier stage than they first diagnosed! It was still cancer. And it was still bad - in the words of our surgeon "Lung cancer is a bad cancer to get." And he will carry this diagnosis with him for the rest of his life. And it will change the way his health care management is handled. And it will change the way we look at the rest of our life.

Everything in the last 60 days has pointed to the scripture Jeremiah 29:11. Not to beat a dead horse here (for those who have been following my blog), but that verse and the meaning behind it have appeared at the most appropriate and least expected moments. Some folks know that I have been praying that scripture since this all began and some had no idea. And those who had no idea would send something with that on it. In fact one card we received, had a beautiful inscription and lovely verse on the inside, but it wasn't until I turned the card over to the back (not sure why I did) that I noticed in small print the quote from Jeremiah. Steve & I have spent our lives grading his career by military standards (certain job placements and exposure meant that you were on the right track for excelling). And when certain things didn't come through, we would grade his career against others and ask, "Where did we go wrong? What could we have done different?"

In earlier post I said that I wanted to help God in the plan for mine and Steve's lives - help smooth the path, since I obviously know what makes us happy and fulfilled. I wanted God to let me in on the planning, give me a peak at what was to come. I feel like this whole scenario was just that. No, He did not give me a peak at the end of the story, but he did give us little glimpses along the way to quiet our Spirits. In fact, the night before surgery, as Steve was getting done with his pre-op shower, we were talking. And he looked at me and said, "I don't think God would have brought us this far and this way to have the cancer take me." And I believe him.

Even in all this, I still find ways to be amazed at God's timing. Most folks know that our move from Nebraska was very difficult for me. I attended an wonderful Wednesday morning Gretna Bible study (Amy - tell everyone how much I miss them!) that regularly did Beth Moore Studies. I miss that group so much - they were a neat bunch of ladies that welcomed anyone from any church! Oh, let me clarify - this was not the church we were members of. And it was quite a drive every Wednesday to go. But that was my quiet time with God. I did a lot of praying then. So when I heard that they were doing the Esther Study at the start of the new year, I was so jealous. Yep, I said it - jealous. And then I heard that my mother-law was starting it right after them at her church. I was getting ready to check out Beth's website because she has a listing of churches that register to do her studies, when I saw an announcement in our bulletin that we were starting this study in February. The Gretna group is already done (I think) and my mother-in law is almost done (1 more week I think) because their schedules were never compromised due to Spring break and Ash Wednesday services. But ours was. We are only on week 5 at this point. But oh, my how the schedule has blessed me. Even my slacker days (where I did 2 lessons at once because my head wasn't in it prior to then) were exactly what I needed at that precise moment. One Sunday afternoon, I sat outside in the garage while Steve was washing his car (with all that had been going on, I needed to be with him when ever possible - I did not want to take any moment for granted). I took my Study with me. I was working on day 2 of week 3. I got all the way to the last question in the lesson when I was pulled away to meet a new neighbor. I put up my book, with the intent of reading the last 2 paragraphs when I did day 3. And so the next morning, after the kids got off to school I opened my study to finish. Now, understand this -we knew that a bronchoscopy was happening this week and a possible needle biopsy after that, if no results could be determined from the 1st procedure. Here is a portion of what was in the last 2 paragraphs, "Every man-scheduled date subjected upon one of His children is written, not just on a doctor's calendar, a hospital's calendar or a trial judge's calendar. It is written on God's. For each person given one year to live, trust that time is God's alone to give." I stopped and stared wide-eyed at what I had just read. Then the tears buckets! How could God use these words now? This was not what I needed to hear right now. Ordinarily, I would have shut my book and found something else to do. I could not handle this! But, not this time. I guess I felt like a glutton for punishment. So I moved on to day 3. At the bottom of the first page of this chapter Beth talks about how Satan's most effective tactic is to trap us in mental torment - fear! She then asks, "What situation most recently tempted you toward mental torment?" I needed both of those parts of the lesson together in that way on that very day! If I had done the lessons as planned, I would never have been moved as I was that day. The week prior, when I should have been doing the homework, we were still waiting on the 2nd ct scan. We were still positive that it was nothing but infection and the results of the ct scan would show it! But as we sat waiting for the next test to happen Satan tried to use Beth's interpretation of God's Word against me. But God allowed a little interruption in my "perfectly planned" Sunday afternoon to continue His even more perfect plan. Now fast forward a few weeks as I am catching up on the study I have missed due to surgery and such. It's week 4, day 4 and chapter titled. "For Such a Time as This." As I read the lessons and answer what questions I can (again,, I am tired and my head ain't quite in it) I read," Not only are you royalty but you also have been placed in your sphere of influence, regardless of the size you perceive it to be, 'for such a time as this.' Ecclesiastes 3:2 tells us there is 'a time to be born and a time to die.' God cut out those exact perimeters for you and me on the kingdom calendar so that we would be positioned on earth right now. Likewise, Acts 17:26 tells unflinchingly that God 'determined the times set for [us] and the exact places that [we] should live.' You see, even your current location is part of the set-up for your kingdom destiny. As we learned in one our earliest verses on providence in this series, in Christ, 'we are also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works everything in conformity with the purpose of His will' (Eph 1:11)..." Even my taking this study when I did was in His perfect plan. I needed those words and moments listed above at just the time I received them. Had I taken this study at any other time. I don't know that I would have gotten it. God even allowed my being a slacker at my homework to work in his favor! And those of you who know me, I am never a slacker when it comes to Beth's homework. I love her homework!

Oh, the God moments. I pray that I continue to praise His name in the good and the bad. I pray that I do not lose this feeling, this place, this moment with God.

Peace to all who read...


  1. Wow! Are you preaching to me today or what?!?! it's late and I am tired, but just know that your posts leave me in tears. For many different reasons. Funny, even though Bryan and I haven't been challenged in the way you guys have been lately, so much in your posts parallel our lives and speak to my heart.
    Praising God for your good news, and yes, profusely, everyday, thanking Him for broken ribs. :>)

  2. Feel like you hit home with me too. Thanks, Lonnie, for being so transparent through your circumstances. The Good Lord is certainly using you!!!

