Tuesday, September 8, 2009

You know it's time to blog when....

...you find that you are talking out loud to...NOBODY and you agree with everything you say! :-)

Yes, it has been a couple of weeks. I felt sure that the minute the kiddos were out the door, I would be up here on the computer waxing poetic... :-) It has not been for a lack of stuff to write/talk about. I guess I am having trouble digesting some of what is going on around me.

Okay, I will go ahead and address something that has really had me sick to my stomach lately. I feel this is a safe place to "vent" per se. I am so saddened by all the ugliness that is being spewed from both sides of the political aisle... In fact, I did a "first" on Saturday because of it. I "de-friended" someone on Facebook. A guy I went to school with years ago (who is a former local pastor in the Methodist church - the reason he is a former is because he is now an atheist) wrote a very hurtful paragraph about those who may oppose the president's speech to school children. He called anyone who disagreed with him either crazy or racist. Wow. I spent most of my morning tying to figure out how I felt about that. At the time, the jury was still out for me on how I felt about my kids seeing it in school (little did I know that my school district would not be showing it). Not because I was afraid of what he might say. Far from it. President Obama has an incredible story to tell of being able to be anything you want to be if you stay in school and work hard. We have printed a copy of his speech and plan to record it today to show the children at a later time (our schedules don't have us all at home for a reasonable amount of time until at least Thursday). My concern comes from commentary that could "happen" after his speech, from the school leadership (i.e. teachers, principal). I don't want my child to be a witness to Obama bashing by a teacher that disagrees with his policies. I also don't want my child to have to be required to listen to the president being raised to messiah status. That's how I feel. Race or lunacy has nothing to do with it. When I wrote to this "friend" concerning his post (another friend of his vehemently disagreed with him as well), I told him that his blanket assessment of anyone who questioned the setting for the speech, was vicious. And that I could not understand how ANYONE on either side of this political issue can stoop to such a level. Well, after a little while, he posted that he MAY have been a little quick to use the word racist... Is that where we are headed? Say whatever comes out of your mouth with out thinking? Hurt whom ever you want in the name of free speech and political freedom? All of it turns my stomach! Unless you are Jesus, don't go into the temple and start tearing the place a part. It breaks my heart to see folks yelling and screaming at their Congressman at Town hall meetings. This is not what God intended for us to do. This is not how He expects us to act. We are to respect those that are put into authority over us. I cling to 1st Peter 2 right now. Maybe I am taking it out of context...maybe I don't really understand the meaning behind it, but I know what it says to me right now. It says that I am supposed to respect the government and revere God. Nuf' said.

Glad I got that off my chest. It has really been weighing me down.

God and I have been talking a lot lately. I know that if you ask God for patience He will give you opportunities to practice it. My prayer as of late, is to settle down. To quit moving. To buy a house, plant flowers and paint walls. To keep the same neighbors. To have our kids develop local relationships with kids. We are about 9-10 months out from our next move. It's at this time that I begin to get into "move mode." That means I starting getting rid of stuff that I don't want to move. It has always served me well. But I hate looking at some of my stuff and wondering, "Gee...will I have room in the next house for this?" Sadly, it seems my focus is on material things. I have great stuff. I love my stuff. A song on Christian radio says this," Have what you want, but want what you have." And I do. I know this is all very trivial and shallow. But I love entertaining others in my home. So I have stuff to do that. And I love setting a beautiful table for my family - I want them to realize that our mealtime is special. I know, I know...you can entertain with cots, sleeping bags and paper plates and plastic cups. But don't you enjoy "nice" things occasionally? Why does one go to a fancy restaurant? To be pampered. And I love providing that in my home. Is God trying to teach me to be hospitable in a more laid back way? Is He taking this opportunity to point out my Martha mentality? For those who know me, they now I LOVE to read. Right now, my heart is with a Guide Post Series called Grace Chapel Inn. It's kinda like the Mitford series, for those familiar with that. It is about three sisters that now live together after the death of their father. And they reside in the family home - a large Victorian home that has now been converted into a bed and breakfast. Why am I so wrapped up in this series??? Because they are in their home. They have their father's library and his desk (he was a preacher until the day he died at age 92). They serve food off of their mother's china and crystal. There is history there. Yes, I know...it's fiction. But I know so many folks that have the pencil markings in the laundry room that show how the kids have grown. I know plenty of folks that have trees and flowers that they saw from seeds and saplings. I want that. I have tried to reconcile some of this with God by saying, "I don't want a BIG house, just my house, for my family." I guess I feel like if I qualify it for Him that will make it all right. I want God's will for our lives. And I really hope His includes a home back in Omaha very soon... :-) Funny thing this praying for God's will... as much as I want my way, and as much as it will hurt initially if His will and my will don't match up, I love this feeling I have inside. As homesick as I get every time I chat or e-mail or facebook with those back in Omaha... then to pray to Him asking for His will and knowing that it may not include Omaha... I feel Him at work. And that is good. Very good.

So we sit and wait. Tomorrow is the day that the master ROTC list is decided, after that they begin matching up commanders with schools. Don't know if we will find out if we made the first cut initially or not. But I continue to pray... In that I cannot go wrong. In prayer, I am not the new person anymore...they know me there!

Peace (and comfort) to all who read...

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