Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My cousins are great role models!!!

I look back over so many of my posts and I see "whining" written all over them. And if I knew I was whining early enough, I posted a "whining alert!" Whining is somewhat scriptural, isn't? Isn't that a little of what Lamentations is? In fact, in the LRE (Lonnie Revised Edition) there is actually an Ecclesiastes 3:8a: "...a time to whine and a time to get over it." For me whining is a way of crying out to God. He wants us to cry out. But He also (I think) wants us to get it out of our system and move on. He might have given us the gift of whining but He does NOT cater Pity Parties.

Okay, so what does the title have to do with whining? I have a cousin (and her hubby) that are currently on a path that they did not foresee. But their mindsets and attitudes amaze me! My cousin's husband lost his job. And if they had not shared that information you would never know. They live a life of gratitude. I know they are not perfect, and I am sure if you asked them, they would point out many of their flawed attempts at gratitude. But to see their facebook posts and to read their encouraging e-mails to us, you would never know. To hear that in his free time he is spending more time at the church and taking care of their son. Going on field trips and volunteering. Doesn't sound like whining or "woe is me" to me... This is so much like Beth Moore's "Okay what next?" moment, that I mentioned in my last post. God says, "You lost your job, what next? Okay, you made some very sound financial decisions to prepare for the coming months, what next? You are spending more of your free time serving Me and your family, what next? You have had a burden of unhappiness taken off your shoulders, what next?" I think that is why God had everything move so quickly for us. If had had time to really sit and think about all that was happening, I could have written my own book of Lamentations.

There are so many things about my life that I wish were different, but dwelling on them doesn't make it better. And I don't think that "wishing things were different" is inherently wrong, because you would not be moved to change if you were completely happy and satisfied in an unhealthy environment. But God wants me to be thankful IN all things not FOR all things.

I was NOT thankful FOR the cancer, but I AM thankful for friends IN the midst of it all.

I am NOT thankful FOR church politics (nothing in particular about any specific church), but I AM thankful to be IN a wonderful healing Sunday School class and past small group.

I am NOT thankful for the crime that takes place all around in San Antonio, but I AM thankful to be IN a wonderful neighborhood with such caring neighbors.

I am NOT thankful FOR the pulling up of roots every time this military family moves, but I AM thankful to be IN the military because of all the friends (who are now family) that we would not have in our lives otherwise.

I am NOT thankful FOR the buckets of $$ to fix our washer (could have bought new- but this whole cancer thing was front and center at the time and we needed a washer immediately), but I AM thankful that we had the money IN the bank to take care of it.

I was NOT thankful FOR the stress that is brought on by a family emergency and having more people under roof than usual, but I was thankful IN the commissary that I was able to go and be with my friends (my coupons and bargains), recharge my battery and lovingly take care of my wonderful extended family.

I am NOT thankful FOR having to watch every dime we spend, but I am thankful for being IN tune to all of our finances thereby allowing me to stay at home and spend more time with my family.

I am NOT thankful FOR being so far away from my family, but I AM thankful for being IN the most wonderful family that makes me want to be there for every little event (all your facebook posts make me miss you even more!)

My goal? To look at every negative and find the positive. You can't have one without the other...

Peace (and gratitude) to all who read...

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